Saturday, April 2, 2011

Aries Engine Revs Up - Mercury, Mars & New Moon activations

"You are not here merely to make a living. You are here to enable the world to live more amply, with greater vision, and with a finer spirit of hope and achievement. You are here to enrich the world. You impoverish yourself if you forget this errand." Woodrow Wilson, 28th US President, (1856-1924) 

"A hundred years ago, the electric telegraph made possible - indeed, inevitable - the United States of America. The communications satellite will make equally inevitable a United Nations of Earth; let us hope that the transition period will not be equally bloody."
Arthur C. Clarke, Author (1917 - )

Three items of note:
Kathryn and I are in Colorado, near Boulder, attending the first of two back-to-back healing weekends with 50 amazing souls. We consider the current astrological cycles as a "prime time" moment to deepen our healing path, enhance our body strategies, and expand our ability to assist others through service in times of great transition.

Secondly, on the day-to-day level, a very busy Retreat schedule in Hawaii, travel to Colorado a week later, and current windy weather in the Rockies have conspired to create unfavorable conditions for creating a video for this Blog - alas, Mercury Retrograde at work. ;) Our astrological video to these blogs returns later in April.

Lastly, this blog is longer than usual (Kathryn rolls her eyes ;) ). The confluence of many concurrent astrological factors requires a more in-depth look at what is going on. If the blog seems "too long", then the short message is "buckle your seat belts". You are in for a surprising, creative and somewhat unpredictable, unsettling ride over the next 40 days. For the longer version detailing the current on.

We now officially enter the realm of the unknown. 6 planetary energies in Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, come together on New Moon day, April 3rd. This is the solitary, virgin, self-oriented ground only Aries can traverse. 

Potent seeds sown over the next 40 days will germinate/sprout sometime between 2012 and 2015. As far as Aries is concerned, there is no looking back at “what was”. Everything is right in front of us, not to be denied or pushed aside. It's time for the global consciousness to awaken to a new way of connecting, relating and co-creating.

Aries qualities say it all:...pedal to the metal; the beginning; the “now” moment. The sign of the Ram imagines the unimaginable...creates anew...sets the energy in motion quickly...gets things going...thrives on initiation...inception. Now imagine these qualities raised to a much higher vibration, aligned with Aries quest for the pure essence of self. The combination of aspects on New Moon day thru early May point to something very different in the energy field. Appearing on the astrological table, these qualities are available to anyone ready to step up and try something bold, fresh, innovative and expressive in alignment with deepest desires of making a difference in the world.

As the 1st sign of the zodiac and Spring season, fire sign Aries is driven by pure impulse. Aries types (significant planetary aspects in Aries) are quick to make decisions (some call it impetuous or hasty), quick to experience boredom (they rarely finish projects started), and jump into new pursuits as quickly as they appear. Aries focuses on the individuated self - "I am that I am" is their mantra. Ruled by the planetary archetype Mars, Aries qualities include natural leadership, boundless energy, extreme physical pursuits (think X-sports), entrepreneur, promoter, and pioneer. They always defend the homeland (think Joan of Arc).

As we move into April and deeper into the 2nd quarter of 2011, three significant astrological events take place in the sign of Aries. These events underscore the intensity of our rapidly changing times.This blog explores the dynamics of these uniquely intertwined astrological events and how they activate many frequencies in the realm of Aries and beyond.

First, a brief look back:
For months, the ethers have been building critical tension. In late January, potent planetary energies coalesced in the cosmic revolutionary sign of Aquarius. Right on cue the cry for “freedom” rocked the Middle East in unprecedented ways.

By early March, the energy shifted to the global consciousness of Pisces.The cry for freedom reverberated like a wildfire throughout the Middle East, as well as in the political realms such as Wisconsin.

Adding fuel to this vibration, Uranus, master of extreme novelty and radical, quick shifts, moved out of Pisces on March 11th and into this ripe, virgin, Aries ground. On the same day, one of the most powerful earthquakes ever recorded radically restructured northern Japan in less than 2 hours and made its seismic presence known throughout the great Pacific basin. As Uranus remains in Aries for the next 8 years, this earthquake is a profound symbol that life as we know it will be changing in unexpected and significant ways.

New Moon at 14 degrees Aries
The Moon completes and begins anew its lunar cycle on April 3rd at 4:32 AM (8:32 am PDT), 2:32 PM GMT, and just after midnight on the 4th in Eastern Australia, east to the International Date Line.

Here's the New Moon chart:

Most unusual and prominent is the preponderance of planetary energies in Pisces and Aries (highlighted).

Aries New Moon is a time of resetting the clock, initiating new desires and creating in novel and exciting ways. However, at the same time Mercury is moving retrograde (see Mercury retrograde below). This implies "not so fast". A reminder this is an inner journey first before the wrapping paper comes off the present within.

In the middle of this Aries gathering, the Sun/Moon creates a close conjunction with Jupiter (1), adding a strong dose of optimism to this vibration.Yet, Saturn in Libra (2), ruler of structure and containment, sits directly opposite this trio. This strong counterpoint to your optimistic, creative urges of the self is a poignant reminder your individuated quest is far from being solitary. Here, Saturn reminds you about the importance of creating/maintaining healthy relationships, as you explore your individuated expression. In turn, the passion of your heart's expression fuels your relationships to create greater synergy and connection. A true "win/win".

At one end of the Aries gathering sits Mars and Uranus together (4). This potent alliance of passion and assertiveness meeting quirky spontaneity serves to amplify Mars' vibration in new and unusual ways (see Mars in Aries below).

At the other end of the Aries gathering sits Mercury (3), just stationed retrograde on March 30th, and now beginning an amazing reversal that will interact with all these planetary energies except for Uranus (see Mercury Retrograde below).

Lastly, the Pisces vibration shifts to a new octave the day after the New Moon.Then, Neptune (1) enters its home sign for the first time in 167 years, joining Chiron (2) (healing), Ceres (3) (nurturing) and Venus (4) (beauty and the lower octave of Neptune), providing a potent underlying theme to this New Moon mix. This theme is best expressed in John Lennon's memorable song "Imagine".

Yes, reliable or familiar structures are falling away, however, a grander theme is beginning to take form, one which expands our sense of self to a greater connection with all of life. Neptune's 14 year movement through Pisces through 2025 will fuel a global desire for world peace, prosperity and deeper connection on levels our brains cannot yet comprehend or anticipate.

Mercury Retrograde:
Mercury retrograde has become a common term in our lexicon. As the ruler of communication, travel, our thought processes and how we share information, Mercury dictates the pace of life and how we work with it. In retrograde, the logic of life's flow gives way to spontaneous flow and serendipity.

This particular retrograde occurs in the cardinal/fire sign of Aries, signaling a new way of communication. The passage of Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Sun and the Moon within Aries at the same time Mercury is in its retrograde movement makes this particular cycle most compelling and intriguing. In Aries, Mercury begins a new dialogue about how we co-exist in cooperative, inter-dependent ways. Its interaction with so many potent planetary energies points to a new, expressive communication unfolding over the next 11 months. At that time, Mercury returns to Aries to reassess what has been learned in the interim.

As with any Mercury retrograde, all forms of communication, travel,and understanding are subject to misinterpretation, delays or breakdowns. Remember to use the retrograde's positive side of spontaneity and grace as your guide. "Delay is not God's denial." Opportunity abounds at every turn in a Mercury Retrograde, especially when confronted with a change in plans.

Mars in Aries
April/May, 2009 marked the last time Mars moved through its natural sign. At that time, North Korea detonated a second nuclear device, Fiji slipped into governmental chaos, and the 15 year Sri Lankan war came to a bitter end. Now, 2 years later, Mars returns to interact with a number of planetary energies in Aries.

While Mars in Aries can indeed be the harbinger of strife and warfare, it also can imbue the field with boundless passion, creativity and assertive energy to get new projects started. Its unusual interaction with so many planetary energies in the span of 40 days fuels a huge well of creativity. Use this Mars fuel in productive ways. As importantly, exercise, exercise, exercise! Keep the chi flowing. Inactivity can turn Mars energy quite mental and unproductive.

Significant April Timings, or "what in the world is going on???" 

As I examine the movement and interaction of so many planetary energies in Aries, I feel like an air traffic controller in a very, very busy metro area. Here's a brief summary of the various Aries timings, both recent past, present and future through April 30th with important dates in red. Note, particularly affected is anyone with significant planetary energies in the Cardinal signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.
March 9 - Mercury enters Aries - "new ways to communicate" theme. This particular retrograde is on the intense side given the strong planetary interactions over the coming 6 weeks.
March 11 - Uranus enters Aries - seeds an "unexpected, quick paced events" theme for the next 8 years. To get things started, on this day, Japan was struck by a 9.0 Earthquake. Major restructuring now underway. Quite a symbol for the entire world of what is building in the consciousness on all levels of awareness.
March 15 - Mercury conjoins Jupiter and opposes Saturn - Expansive communication hits Saturn's wall of limitation. International dialogue underway seeking ways to contain Libya, ultimately leading to a "no-fly zone" and aerial support of opposing forces.
March 20 Equinox - Sun enters Aries and conjoins Uranus - one description would be nuclear fuel. Japan continues to struggle with radiation leakage from a tsunami damaged nuclear power plant facility. Uranus rules the nuclear realm. Meanwhile, on this day, Mercury Messenger space probe became the first man-made object to orbit the planet Mercury.
March 30 - Mercury stations retrograde. Reverse movement through April 23rd. A time of spontaneity, tapping into your creative impulses, and preparing to set new endeavors into motion after the 23rd.
April 1 - Mars moves into Aries through May 10th. Conjunct Uranus, through April 12th. Powerful dynamic, especially April 1 - 5th. Events will be potent indicators for the 2012-15 Uranus square Pluto cycle. See next entry
April 11 - 17 - Mars square Pluto - "intense creativity" is an understatement. Pluto is the higher octave of Mars. New information wants to come through. Hence, old forms need to die. Mars energy adds a lot of zeal and passion to the mix. Given the current "war element" and unrest in parts of the world, this mixture has the potential for volatility. Suggestion - put your energy into productive, creative pursuits, which include transformation and rebirth of old forms. As with Mars/Uranus, the interaction with Pluto is a seeding point for the Uranus/Pluto squares of 2012-15. Pay particular attention to how the world responds to quick change.
April 8 - Pluto moves retrograde for 6 months signaling a time to go within to align with a new sense of power and purpose.
April 12 - 25. Mars opposes Saturn. On the 19th it also conjoins Mercury. Saturn's resistance to change becomes reactive to Mars urge to create anew. Mercury energy may struggle to create a dialogue both sides can hear. Look for intense polarity in the realms of politics and governance.
April 8th - 30th. Mercury retrograde retraces its path engaging the Sun, Jupiter, Mars, Saturn (opposition)
April 20th - Venus enters Aries moving over the same retrograde path she followed in March/April 2009. That retrograde theme focused on the strength of the individuated self (Aries), and her ability to walk her path, and courageously demonstrate her truth (visualize Joan of Arc). As Venus connects with the other Aries players, it provides you the chance to reflect on changes/shifts occurring in your life over the past two years, specifically related to the aforementioned theme.
April 23 - Mercury stations direct (finally!). This forward movement opens the door for putting into action, creative impulses/urges and new alliances conjured during the Retrograde.

Since Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008, much has been written about the evolving mythos of the world's culture. While opining about the new emergence is somewhat speculative, one thing is certain here...change is inevitable. Yet, how we choose to respond and engage "significant change" is a deeply personal choice. Just the other day I posted a letter from an English teacher in Sendai, Japan. Her remarkable words of compassion, acceptance and gratitude amidst mind-boggling chaos in quake/tsunami ravaged Northern Japan are enlightened, stirring and soulful. May the spirit of her sharing serve as a catalyst for the choices you make over the next 40 days.

Intensely changing times require new strategies to prepare for a new reality. If you desire to strengthen your body's bio-energy field, connect with the depths of your soul, and shift your energetic frequencies into a more expansive space, consider coming to Big Island, Hawaii this August 9 - 16 for our Gemini Awakening Inner & Outer Journey Retreat. Profound shifts, new insights and renewed passion await you. Details and registration information may be found here.

Next Blog, Libra Full Moon on April 17th.

Aloha from Westminster, Colorado
Starman, Joseph Mina
April 2, 2011
©Gemini Awakening 2011 all rights reserved

Astrology Chart Illustrations
- chart generating software - Time Cycles Research Software
- chart annotations - ScreenSteps by Blue Mango Learning Systems


  1. Joseph, this is Golden!! Thank you for the understanding of our "planetary brothers and sisters" through these changing times. Mostly, your viewpoint and perspective are not only enlightening, but give us teh information to choose our paths wisely. A positive wave of hope and light are the way we, as Humanity, can change our would the we want it to be. I love your generous heart, and your correct interpretation!! Waves of Aloha~~~ Mona Klinger

  2. Hi Joseph! I've never paid a whole lot of attention to the granular details of the planets as my Aquarian energy is usually more aligned with the Big Vision. However, your clarity around how to interact with planetary energies is so rich and vital that I find myself making notes in my calendar on the days you highlight so I can intentionally and with full consciousness align myself on all levels. Blessings to you and your lovely wife! (Hey, Mona...did you ever get my email request for some of your amazing recipes?)

  3. Thanks Joseph! Love your insights and calender of events...

  4.'re welcome. Glad to learn the information proves helpful. Quite an intense period for many.

    Recent examples of Mercury Retrograde related items in the news:
    -Southwest Airline - hole in airplane at 34000 ft., 300 flights cancelled, 80 planes reinspected (mechanical failure)
    -Major aftershock quake in Japan (7.1) triggers loss of electricity for over one million homes in northern Japan (disruption)
    -U Conn wins NCAA basketball in record low scoring game; Butler makes just 12 of 64 shots, UConn 19 of 55 (lack of communication)
    -Arizona Legislature passes bill allowing college students to carry concealed weapons on campus (Aries pioneer spirit at work)
    -Wastewater treatment plant in a Smoky Mountains tourist town fails, spilling millions of gallons of sewage (mechanical failure).
    -US gov't shutdown looms as negotiations fail (communication)

    Aloha, Joseph


I welcome your comments and feedback. I also moderate the comments to ensure only comments germane to the article are included. Mahalo, Joseph